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Who are better drivers, boys or girls?

Many people believe that boys are better drivers, even many girls think so too.

But I always put it onto the boys faces — you think you are better driver? please show it, not just talk about it.

From our internal stats for driving tests, girls have higher passing rate, higher average score, and our highest mark (full mark!) record, is held by a girl too.

So boys, please prove that you are a better driver by your score not talking. :=)

Many people believe that boys are better drivers, even many girls think so too.

But I always put it onto the boys faces — you think you are better driver? please show it, not just talk about it.

From our internal stats for driving tests, girls have higher passing rate, higher average score, and our highest mark (full mark!) record, is held by a girl too.

So boys, please prove that you are a better driver by your score not talking. :=)